Das Zahlenbuch

by Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH


11.99 usd

Here is the number book app! You buy once and get access to the content of all school years with one app. All 4 grade levels are included immediately.Apps for primary schoolsLearning success and motivation are guaranteed with the primary school apps: The apps can be used easily by every child and without much explanation - in class and at home. The learning content is practiced independently and playfully. The learning apps also enable sensible use of digital devices, offer variety to the classic forms of exercise and strengthen childrens media skills. Can be used offline, the apps guarantee reliable use – without access restrictions and anywhere.With the number book app, the learning content of mathematics lessons from grades 1 to 4 can be practiced independently at home or in the classroom. The content of each school year can be added individually so that the app can be tailored to the individual level of knowledge of the children in each grade level of primary school.This is what the number book app can do:• For each school year, the 6 central topics are intensively practiced and consolidated interactively.• The new toolbox offers numerous options for visual support.• The children receive direct feedback on their solutions while practicing.• The clear evaluation area helps you assess the childs learning level.• The types of tasks are already familiar to the children from the number book and are therefore an interactive addition to the materials used at school.Class 1:• Explore numbers• Pay up to 20• Plus tasks• Minus tasks• Plus and minus• Mixed exercises2nd grade:• Explore numbers• Numbers up to 100• Addition in the hundreds space• Subtraction in the hundreds space• Multiplication and division• Mixed exercisesClass 3:• Explore numbers• Numbers up to 1,000• Addition in thousands• Subtraction in thousands• Multiplication and division• Mixed exercisesClass 4:• Explore numbers• Numbers up to 1,000,000• Add and subtract in writing• Multiplication• Division• Mixed exercisesWe are very happy to receive feedback. If you have any questions or suggestions, please visit https://hilfe.klett.de or send us an inquiry. If you like the app, we would be happy to receive a review.